Join the MOVEMENT! Join the 1 minute challenge where we challenge you to learn a scripture verse, meditate on it and commit it to memory... This is how it works; Take ONE minute EACH day to read, reflect and memorize ONE scripture we share in our audio and video broadcasts (more is encouraged) and then... TAKE DOMINION!
We are presenting the gospel of Jesus in a concise, fun, exciting way, and it is not an extended sermon so you have no excuse to get distracted :)
Our Goal & Purpose:
To stir up a passion and hunger for the word of God in every believer.
We believe the word of God is a powerful spiritual weapon; a sharp double-edged sword God has given us to live victoriously in all situations and crush the works of the devil. The enemy needs to be kept under our feet and not tormenting our minds. The only way to attain liberty in our hearts, minds and spirit is by TAKING DOMINION through the word of God.
SO Let's go!

Encouragement - Motivation Series
Encouragement - Motivation Series

Ever been curious about your dreams? Want to Understand & Interpret Your Dreams?

Sabina ministers @ Pneumatikos USA With Rev. Eastwood Anaba - "my Everything"

Your Forgiveness

New Year Resolutions? Try These? - Sabina